New Mexico Brain Education Project

Brain Education applies research-based activities from neuroscience, mindfulness training, and brain-based physical, emotional and cognitive exercises to help every member of the school community improve social-emotional wellness and overall achievement. The New Mexico Brain Education Project, established to train teachers of New Mexico in the practices of Brain Education, provides teachers and students with hundreds of hands-on, physical, emotional, and cognitive exercises, activities and principles to use in the classroom that are designed to improve focus, creativity, memory, confidence, stress management, and physical health. Training outcomes include significant positive changes in learning efficiency, motivation, self-esteem, peer relationships, anxiety, self-regulation, stress management, and levels of positive behavior in the school and community. 

The New Mexico Brain Education Project is part of the New Mexico Body & Brain Centers. This project was  established to train teachers of New Mexico in the practices of Brain Education and to provide teachers and students with hundreds of hands-on, physical, emotional, and cognitive exercises, activities and principles to use in the classroom that are designed to improve focus, creativity, memory, confidence, stress management, and physical health. Training outcomes include significant positive changes in learning efficiency, motivation, self-esteem, peer relationships, anxiety reduction, self-regulation, stress management, and levels of positive behavior in the school and community.

The New Mexico Brain Education team has been a pioneer in bringing the practices of Brain Education to the state and is fully dedicated to the success of this project and to validate its necessity in New Mexico Schools. Our efforts so far have included:

–        2024, May-June: We had a partnership with NMPED, implemented a Brain Education Program with 3 NM Public Schools summer programs’ teachers/staff and students.

–       2019, Aug-Dec:  3 schools participated in Brain Education 6hr teachers/staff training, classroom visits and parent workshops (Bel-Air Elementary, APS; Sweeney Elementary, SFPS; and Pojoaque Intermediate, PVS).

–       2018, February-May: Body & Brain Centers, made a contract with NMPED for Brain Education in three schools: Santa Fe Ramirez Thomas Elementary School, Pojoaque Intermediate School, Pojoaque 6th Grade Academy. Those three schools received a 6hrs teachers/staff workshop, reinforcement training, parents’ workshop, and Brain Education instructors’ classroom visits.

–       2017, Nov: Presentation to introduce Brain Education to SFCC (Santa Fe Community of College) ESL literacy & literacy volunteers.

–       2017, Sep: Presentation to introduce Brain Education to New Mexico Coalition for literacy.

–       2017, February: Presentation to introduce Brain Education to the New Mexico School Board Association.

–       2017, January: 16 teachers at La Tierra Montessori School for the Arts and Sciences received Brain Education training and follow-up reinforcement and are implementing lessons and activities in their classrooms. This program was paid for by the school. A South Korean Major Broadcasting Company came to New Mexico and made a documentary about Brain Education and this school was part of this documentary. The school principal, teachers, students and parents had an interview and gave testimonials.

–       2016, February & March: 45 Santa Fe Public School teachers received a three-hour Brain Education workshop and implemented lessons/activities in their classrooms (Tesuque Elementary School, Atalaya Elementary School, El Dorado Community School), paid for by SFPS.

–       2015, Dec: Presentation to introduce Brain Education to Santa Fe Public School principals. As a result of this presentation of Brain Education, 45 Santa Fe Public School teachers received a 3hour Brain Education workshop in 2016, as noted above.

–       2015, February through May: Santa Fe Mayor Javier Gonzales approved, and the city paid to have a Brain Education Pilot Program for the Santa Fe Juvenile Probation ‘Day Reporting’ School Program.

–       2015, Dec: Presentation to introduce Brain Education to UNM College of Education (Dr. Salvador Hector Ochoa and Staff).

–       2013, January through March: Zuni Pueblo Middle School implemented a three-month Brain Education Pilot Project and the school reported marked improvements in academic and social behavior, as well as increased attendance.

–       2012, June: Presentation to introduce Brain Education to NMSU College of Education (Dr. Michael Morehead and Dr. Maria Martinez and Staff).

–       2012, April through July: Conducted Brain Education initial project to Santa Fe Boys & Girls Club.

Brain Education in the New Mexico State Legislature:

  • 2023: State Senator Nancy Rodriguez sponsored funding for a Brain Education program in the Junior Bill, which is part of the NMPED budget.
  • 2019: NM State Representative Christine Trujillo sponsored funding in the Junior Bill for training public school teachers in mindfulness and emotional wellness.
  • 2017: State Representative Linda Trujillo led a Memorial Bill that declared February 27, 2017, Brain Education Day. The New Mexico House of Representatives passed the bill unanimously. This memorial bill encouraged the implementation of Brain Education into professional development for teachers and into the curriculum for students through the New Mexico Departments of Higher Education and Public Education.
  • 2014 and 2015: State Senator Linda Lopez sponsored funding bills for Brain Education Advanced Learning programs to train public school teachers.
  • 2013: State Senator Linda Lopez introduced Brain Education to The Legislative Education Study Committee.