
“I have been following the Brain Education program with interest for some time. I am very impressed with the outcomes that have been realized in the New York Public Schools and right here in New Mexico. In 2016, 45 Santa Fe teachers received a 3 hour Brain Education workshop, and are now implementing the activities into their classrooms successfully. Brain Education was also delivered to the Santa Fe Juvenile Probation ‘Day Reporting’ program in 2015 with good results, and a three month pilot project was well received at the Zuni Pueblo Middle School in 2013. I would like to build on this success, by bringing the mindfulness practices of Brain Education to the Santa Fe school district as a pilot project to one of our low performing schools.” 
-Veronica C. Garcia, Ed. D. – Superintendent of Schools, Santa Fe NM 

“I fully support the mission of Brain Education- the program offers strategies to teachers in building a classroom environment that enhances not only physical health but, mindfulness, creativity and focus. Our students have learned life-long skills to support their cognitive and emotional wellbeing. Ramirez Thomas Elementary was supported with strong, job-embedded, training and mentoring from the Brain Education trainers that will definitely carry into the daily practice of the teaching staff. We are very grateful for being apart of Brain Education initiative.”
 -Vanessa Romero, SFPS Executive Director of School Support 

“What do we want our children to know and be able to do as whole children? By narrowing the curriculum to a few core areas we are not addressing other aspects of the child. They don’t just have mathematics, science, and English in their heads. What we are trying to do is re-design and restructure what we are doing and the Brain Education Program has been one aspect of it. Brain Education has changed the attitude and practice of how we discipline children and how we work with them to settle down their emotions and behaviors. I used to reserve Wednesdays for student hearings and for disciplinary purposes and for the last three weeks I haven’t had any!”
Hayes Lewis Superintendent of Schools – Zuni public school district   2013

When I saw the initial presentation of the Brain Education project, I was impressed and felt that it would be a good fit for the Pojoaque Valley School District. I then attended the staff and teacher Introductory Brain Education Workshop with Teachers and Staff at two schools. Any questions I had were answered and concerns were diminished, and my hopes were confirmed. This project could be really good for our schools and staff. The feedback that I have received from our staff, teachers, and the principals of the Intermediate School and the Sixth Grade Academy have been very positive.
• When asked how the test went for students, each student questioned said that the test was easier and that he or she felt more prepared and less stressed.
• When asked how the test went for students, teachers who were asked reported that they felt the students reacted better with far less stress and far more attention.
• Both of these items are tenets of the Brain Education – attention and confidence – as described in the program literature and explained by the trainers.
To assess if the program did in fact make a significant difference in student achievement results, remembering that this program started in March 2018, I feel it would be very helpful if the Brain Education Project were to be continued in our schools for the coming year. This would give an opportunity for full implementation and concomitant follow-up with the students who have had this brief taste of the program.
-Dr. Melville L. Morgan, Superintendent of Schools Pojoaque Valley Schools

I write this letter to serve as a testimonial of the work that Brain Education did with my staff, students, and parents this school year. Brain Education began their work with Ramirez Thomas Elementary in February 2018. They conducted a 6-hour training with my staff to provide them with an understanding of the research behind their work; as well as how to incorporate strategies into their daily schedules for the purpose of increasing students’ mindfulness, focus and emotional wellness. The training was energetic, engaging and well-received by most staff.
Aside from the training, the staff of Brain Education also scheduled weekly times to come into classrooms to directly work with teachers and students during the school day. Students appeared to respond well to these strategies, as reflected within the results of the student survey that was conducted in April. Additionally, staff has reported that these activities have assisted them with classroom management; and improving students’ social behavior, emotional wellness and confidence. Overall, staff also tend to agree that these activities have assisted in improving students’ literacy skills; although at the time of the survey, these strategies were only implemented for approximately seven and a half weeks.
Brain Education also conducted several workshops that engaged parents in learning about these strategies and how they may benefit children, as well as adults. Brain Education was able to provide my school community with a translator, during these parent workshops, so that parents who spoke Spanish were able to participate.
Loretta Booker, Principal Ramirez Thomas Elementary Santa Fe Public Schools

At Pojoaque Valley Intermediate School, we are in full support of Brain Education and the implementation of Brain Power Exercises with our staff and students. The facilitators have been wonderful to work with and very attentive to the needs of our students and staff.
During the time that we had Brain Education staff working with our teachers and students, we received positive feedback with regard to improvement in team building, focus, creativity, and mindfulness. Students and teachers enjoyed the exercises that they learned and were very welcoming to this program within their classrooms.
If given the opportunity to implement the Brain Power Exercises for a longer time, we are confident that we will see improvement in all areas that contribute to the social/emotional well being of all of our staff and students. We look forward to a continued partnership with Brain Education staff as we work to improve the social/emotional and academic success of all of our students.
-Staci Mascarenas, Principal Pojoaque Valley Intermediate School

Our teachers welcomed Brain Education in our school and attended the initial six hour training. Having conversations with the teachers I’m finding many of them are implementing a number of the strategies regularly. In fact, I have observed three of our students leading brain based activities with their peers in classrooms. Many of our students are able to site specific strategies they use when coping with stressful situations. Just yesterday one student told me that he uses the energy ball as a coping tool when he gets angry.
-Mario Vigil, Principal Pojoaque Valley 6th Grade Academy

Pojoaque Sixth Grade Academy 

Brain Education activities encourage students to be positive and take charge of their own education. I like that using these strategies and activities has helped my students to enter new perspectives and believe that they can be successful. I would like to start using the strategies right away next year!
-Katherine Schweizer, Teacher 

I have seen a big improvement by using the brain power (Brain Education) methods in my class especially with my behavior students. They have taken it upon themselves to self-motivate and use the strategies taught to help them focus. Other students also do it with partners. As a class we do it regularly in the morning. Usually clapping, energy ball, or wow-wow.
-Mary L. Gonzales, Teacher 

The students really enjoy Brain Education activities. Some of the activities are challenging and require the students to really focus and concentrate.
-Alicia Gonzales, Teacher 

The students seem to enjoy Brain Education. I feel that some of them lost interest as the weeks went on. I think brain education would be beneficial to the school at the beginning of the school year. I have seen students using Brain Education activities before tests.
– Jessica Duran, Counselor 

As a case manager for special education, I have seen many positive changes in the classroom. The students seem to be participating more often with the activities. The discipline within some of the classrooms seems to be a lot better. Thank you for the time you have given our students/children/young adults.
-Loretta Lovato, Case manager 

These are the things I appreciate about Brain Education – 
• Community building with faculty, building collegial relationships and making collaboration easier for us. 
• Appreciate your positivity throughout the PD and how you shared your smiles with our students. They were also positive about participating with you. Thank you!
-Eric Schultz, Teacher 

“I used Brain education in my graduate presentation. I started with energy ball and it was well received. One of my students who has an emotional issue uses Energy ball to gather his negative emotions and send them away.” Paraphrased from an interview with Melanie (Em) Hunter, Teacher 

Pojoaque Intermediate School 

The Brain Education program is something my students and colleagues have enjoyed. There is potential for this to have a lot intact on school culture and student learning/achievement but we haven’t had the program long enough (Before PARCC) to use this year’s data as evidence. I would also suggest a summer PD so that this PD doesn’t interrupt collaboration time during the school year.
-Noelle Bowyer, Teacher 

The idea of students understanding the connections of their healthy brain functions to their learning is powerful. The optimum use of Brain Education is for students to link the activities to when they are personally useful. Students are genuinely excited to be involved.
-Deanna Cordova, Teacher 

The children enjoy Brain Education coming in and working with them. I have seen a few students using the pinky/thumb exercise during testing or when they are doing work that can be tedious. After they do this for a little bit they go back to working. We are still working on completing a goal of 50 with the 3•6•0 activity. We are making progress towards this goal.
-Elaine Martinez, Teacher 

I wish Brain Education had started at the beginning of the year and since students began in kindergarten. I think there would be more student buy-in. I hope the program continues in the district and teachers continue to use the activities and strategies because it helps with classroom culture and team building as well as improve student achievement and performance.
-Jessica Forbes, Teacher 

I would love to see the continued support of the Brain Education staff throughout the whole school year. This would allow us to collect accurate data to see how students improve when this is implemented from day one.
-Michaela Maestas, Teacher 

The modeling of Brain Education in the classroom is invaluable. I believe when we model for our students, they will be more likely to follow and do.
-April Torrez, Teacher 

The brain screen activity improves the writing skills. I would like to see classes on empowering students that are in an abusive environment or home. Self defense classes are designed to change the state of mind from victim to empowerment.
-Marlene Garcia, IA 

Students enjoy the activities. –Ramona Salazar, Teacher 

I really enjoy the physical exercises. They really stimulate the body and the overall being. This is good for our students. – IA 

Bain Education has assisted with student concentration, over energized (gives release) & writing with creativity. I think Brain Education should be student led to give them a sense of power & leadership.
-Sasha Gallegos, Teacher 

Ramirez Thomas Elementary School 

This school year was a hard transition for me, moving from fifth grade to third grade. Classroom behavior was a big issue. Once Brain Education was introduced to my class the behavior issues improved. My students attitudes became more positive.
Nathaniel ‘Nano’ Anaya, Teacher 

The brain breaks help my students relieve stress and find moments of fun in the day I think these activities are helpful in maintaining stamina throughout a challenging day.
-Natalie Dean, Teacher 

I use Brain Education daily especially before testing and after lunch/recess. The activities calm the students and get them ready for the test or for the afternoon. I notice a difference in focus and attention if I skip the Brain Education activities. I would definitely like the Brain Education activities to continue at my school. Even if the classroom visits don’t continue, I will continue using the activities on my own with my school.
-Madeline Means, Teacher 

Brain Education has empowered my students with strategies to get refocused and with concentration.
-Rita Rios Baca, Teacher 

The Brain Education program has been a wonderful resource for my students. The activities are effective and quick enough that I am able to incorporate them regularly in class.
-Ursula McDaid, Teacher 

I think Brain Education has helped students to concentrate but mostly to have confidence in themselves. I use power brain activities when students seem to be unfocused.
-Connie Vigil, Teacher 

One of the wonderful things about Brain Education is that it gave one of my gifted students an opportunity to lead an activity and she really ‘shined’!
-Peggy Brewer, Teacher 

I saw my third graders utilize power brain skills during testing to take a break or to improve concentration.
-Liz Lopez, Teacher 

It has been helping students to improve their confidence and concentration.
-Adriana Casas, Teacher 

The activities are fast and most are easy to use. I need to practice more of the activities more often.
-Angelique LeRouge-Pena, Teacher 

I am strongly agree having Power Brain Education strategies to implement daily in my classroom. I really like to use the strategies because they help my students to be relax; to help them make the classroom transitions smoother; to be concentrate, etc.
-Rosalia Saenz, Teacher 

Sweeney Elementary

Brain Education fits into our school like a hand in a glove. Our teachers are ready for it. In turn, the excitement and enthusiasm of our teachers reflected on the children – when I walked into a classroom, they would stand up, stretch, and go side to side. It’s interesting because they are ready to begin immediately. Their focus is on what they’re doing. 

Once a month, we meet with parents, that month’s topic was Brain Education. Parents loved that. When parents can see and have hands on what’s going on in the school they are asking questions, which I love, because that means that they’re involved with kids to focus, without any negativities  Dolores Montano-Pena, Principal, Sweeney Elementary

The characteristics of Brain Education that I like, specifically for my classroom is, it provides so many opportunities to get up and move. As a first year-first grade teacher there’s a lot to do. It’s just important to be up and be actively learning as it is to be sitting down. I don’t think that I could have done this year without Brain Education, to be completely honest. I think it starts with me, the teacher. I know it was beneficial for my kids. I would directly see the change from before an activity to after an activity. Anytime throughout the day, I feel like it’s a little refresher button for my class. Nick Bird, 1st Grade Teacher, Sweeney Elementary 

Brain Education has allowed my students to think about focus and empower themselves. I’ve seen them look at collaboration in a whole different way. I can say ‘get a different partner 10, 9, 8 …’ and by the time I get to 1 everyone has a new partner.  Sandra Sena, 5th Grade Teacher, Sweeney Elementary 

The thing I like most about brain power was the wow wow game. When we were doing it and the deep breaths, it gave me confidence and it made me happy.  Edgar Talaver, 5th Grade student, Sweeney Elementary

Bel-Air Elementary

My students are ages 5 – 6, half of them have had Pre-K classroom experience, half of them  have not had that experience at all.

Many have experienced trauma, they may have a lot going on at home and they might be diagnosed with ADHD. I have found that Brain Education has been very helpful for my students because of the particular challenges they face.

We start with the Power Brain Cheer to kick the day off, and do Energy Ball, Pinky/Thumb and Infinity throughout the day. Many of these things help them focus and really concentrate and do better as students. It helps with academics and their behavior. If we don’t have the behavior, we don’t have the academics.

I also practice at home for myself. I really like Energy Ball, and Infinity Drawing for relaxation. 

Mary Choque, Kindergarten Teacher, Bel-Air Elementary.

I think Brain Education has been a positive influence on our students here at Bel Air. We have a large variety and culturally diverse group here.

Wendy Sigala, Special Education teacher, Bel-Air Elementary 

What I like about Brain Education is that it is very movement based and has a lot of self reflection. The students have to be able to decide how their body works in order to do a lot of the activities.

I like that it gets my kids moving in and out of their seats. That allows them to get back to their seats and be more focused. I have them partner up with different people, they get to work with other students  and network themselves a little differently and collaborate with others that they might not always interact with. 

Ashley Ottman, 2nd Grade Teacher, Bel-Air Elementary

I think there has been an overall improvement in my classroom. It is quieter and students are more focused on their work. I use Brain Education Activities at home when I’m stressed out from the day. I did push-ups, jumping jacks and energy ball to calm down last night.

Lisa Hochrein – 2nd Grade teacher, Bel-Air Elementary

I’ve noticed a difference in my students and my teaching. My students seem easier to self regulate and my classroom management has been better. It’s nice to hear the students talk about brain education on the playground. If a student is upset, another might ask them. ‘What color do you think your energy ball is right now’.

Cassandra Owen – 1st grade teacher, Bel-Air Elementary  

La Tierra Montessori School

“Brain education is the new frontier in working sensitively and successfully with children in school. Our training, “Power Brain”, helped connect the overall health of the brain to our ability to regulate our emotions, our thoughts, our bodies.  It gives useful tools to educators to go beyond curricular standards and conventional strategies by embracing the whole child in the learning process. A healthy brain is at the heart of building emotional intelligence and physical wellbeing within the learning environment. Brain Education is a prescription for teacher self-care as well, as its methodologies can be applied to those who are teaching as well as those who are being taught. As our understanding of brain care develops as educators, we are able to recognize when to push and when to breathe in the classroom, a very useful gauge for success. I am grateful for the education our faculty received” 
Shelley Schweizer – Special Educator K-8

“I am a Physical Therapist working with both children and adults in rural northern New Mexico. I utilize many brain education techniques in my sessions with elementary students in the regular and special education classrooms. I also teach parents and community members, as well as Adaptive Sports Program participants how to calm their minds and connect with their bodies utilizing the basic principles and techniques from Power Brain Education. Results have been amazing and this approach continues to remind me how powerful simple daily activities that connect our bodies and minds can go a long way for health, happiness and peace!” 
– Jean Porteus – Physical Therapist NM License #1359

”I have noticed that after our power brain sessions the majority of my students are more focused. Power Brain provides the full engagement of brain and body that children crave.”
Mark Lies – 4th Grade Teacher

“I find the Brain Education activities very helpful with my students, especially my students on the spectrum and my students who benefit from constant movement breaks throughout the day.” 
Chrissy Weaver Special Education Teacher (K-4 grade). Spectrum is the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Santa Fe Youth Development Facility

I would like to take this time to acknowledge a Volunteer Group (Brain Education) for their outstanding work with Santa Fe County’s Youth. They were able to teach the youth several techniques to deal with different situations that they may be confronted with in the future, team building, anger, depression, and last but not least utilizing the full potential of the BRAIN.  The Santa Fe County Youth Development Program is very thankful to this organization and hopes will be able to continue working together in the future.” –Jose I. Jacquez Senior Shift Supervisor 

Brain Education for Day Reporting Pilot Project 2015, Santa Fe Youth Development Facility

“As Supervisor of the Day Reporting Program, I oversee the day to day operation, education and extracurricular programming for the students and monitor staff. While observing the Brain Education Training program I noted their enthusiasm for and dedication to educate others. Their respect for the students was paramount even during difficult times, behavioral issues and other disagreements. While the overwhelming majority of the students likely live in poverty, this program provided a unique opportunity to explore healthy living alternatives they would otherwise not have access to. Additionally, the accepting and supporting environment the instructors provided was a rarity for the students to experience. Through firm and fair consistency they were able to build trust and acceptance with this troubled population. We appreciate the positive influence and look forward to working with Brain Education Training in the future.” – Nicole Deaderick, Day Reporting Supervisor

Brain Education for Day Reporting Pilot Project 2015, Santa Fe Youth Development Facility

“I, Officer Roybal, a Life Skills Worker II, provided security in Day Reporting at the Youth Development Detention Center. During this assignment, I had the opportunity of overseeing the Brain Education Program. They provided different kinds of activities such as concentration, meditation, exercised to stimulate brain function. The students were engaged and enjoyed the activities during the program. Brain Education assisted students with self-control and stress relief to apply in their day to day life. I enjoyed getting to know the instructor and hope to work with them again.” –Kenneth Roybal, Life Skills Worker II

Tesuque Elementary School

It was satisfying to see everyone open to trying all the exercises. The activities were fun and at times challenging. This day confirmed the dedication of the staff and it was nice to have a day of laughter and fun. –Coleen K.

Excellent! I can see how this can be useful in the classroom. -Michael B.

Appreciated the collaborative aspect of the workshop. Loved to move instead of sitting and listening. -Diane K.

I thought it was great. Got my mind rolling. Great energy! Loved it! -Ramona H.

Personally, I felt all my stress fall away! I felt as though I got to know my colleagues better on a playful rarely seen level. My students need stress release and team building, so great for them! -Nicola L-B.

One of the BEST workshops I have attended in a long time! I love to move, use my brain and body. Excellent, positive, FUN! –Marguerite F.

Great-excellent ideas to integrate into the classroom as well as daily life. -Brenda P.

Great training—Amazing what the brain can do! -Mae W.

The workshop was both energizing and centering. I liked having the opportunity to interact with my colleagues in a different way. -Kris W.

El Dorado Community School

Fun, really great add-ons to the brain-heart and mindfulness activities I do. -Sarah S.

This was a delightful workshop; well-organized and thoughtfully put together. -Stephanie M.

I went from distracted to focused and enjoyed having fun. -Teresa B.

It was wonderful. I feel movement is so important. -Valerie H.

Positive, inspiring, excited to learn brain-based activities that focus on individual student’s awareness of their bodies and feelings. -Jenn A.

I can see how this can apply to my content in several places already. -Marlon M.

The workshop is really engaging. I love it! -Maria B.

I enjoyed the activities and how I feel after doing them. -Erin N.

I appreciated the enthusiasm and passion of the facilitators. Well prepared and thoughtful approach to new material. -Sheri C.

 Atalaya Elementary School

I was looking for something to help transition students from one activity to another, wake them up and be ready to learn, and to calm them down when frustrated. -Shanna A.

It helped revive my interest and reminded me how important movement is with learning. -Allison R.

Nice way to calm mind and body. -Charlene A.

Great team building for adults and children alike. -Lena B.

It was fun. I will use it in my classroom. I was tired when I came in but it was fun to move and I woke up. -Deborah T.

I felt a sense of accomplishment and energy. -Cheryl F.